Friday 28 September 2012

अन्जान ख़ुशी..

"This poem describes my happiness for which I really really couldn't find any substantial reason...just had smile on my face 24 hours... I describe this state as : Happy-Go-Lucky state!..Here it goes..."

एक वो खुशी है 
जिसकी वजह तुझे पता है 
कोई पूछे गर 
"क्यों खुश हो तुम आज"
तो झट से हाज़िर हो जवाब 
एक दूसरी ख़ुशी 
बस खुश हो जहाँ तुम
ना जाने क्या वजह 
ना जाने कौन वजह
बस खुश हो!
चेहरे पे हर पल एक हँसी है !!
लोग पूछ के हैराँ है!!..??
और तुम...बस मुस्कुराए चले हो …

कुछ आज वैसे ही खुश हूँ मैं भी 
हर ग़म हर चिंता से बेपरवाह हूँ मैं
शायद ये इस वजह से 
शायद ये उस वजह से
या फिर है ये तुम्हारी वजाह से 
क्या फरक पड़ता है??
ऐसी ख़ुशी तो अनमोल है 
और इसका अंत भी नहीं 

जी रहे हैं ये पल
मुस्कुराते हुए 
ख़ुशी बांटते हुए 
प्यार बढाते हुए…

Wednesday 26 September 2012

कुछ ख़ास हैं!

"This poem is again dedicated to my friend(s) who have made me so happy and at the same time made me feel so pampered..:P...I am amazed, how people can be so caring!..Here it goes..."

सुबह की बारिश में तुम्हारे संग वो कुछ पल 
कितने क़ीमती हैं शायद तुमको खबर भी नहीं!
तुम्हारे वो बिना बात की बातें करना 
कितनी पसंद हैं मुझे शायद तुम्हे पता भी नहीं!

वो हर पल तुम्हारा मुझे मुस्कुराते हुए देखने की चाहत
कितनी लुभा जाती हैं दिल को क्या कहें!
वो तुम्हारा प्यार जताना हर पल हर लम्हा
कितना मन मोह जाता हैं कैसे बयां करें!

हर पल तुम्हारा वो ख्याल करना
कितना अच्छा लगता है ये बताने की ज़रूरत नहीं!
बस हैरानी होती है कभी कभी
की इतने अच्छे आखिर हो तुम कैसे!

एक वादा किया था दिल से मैंने अपने 
कि फिर मोहब्बत नहीं करेंगे
पर अब समझ नहीं आता कि कैसे
दूर रह सकेंगे हम तुमसे! 

Monday 24 September 2012

Unconnected drops of Happiness...

"This poem is dedicated to the company of my friend(s) - thanks to whom, I am in love with this phase of my life...Here it goes..."

Remembering the first time we met
The first time we connected
When we laughed together
We high-fived
Made fun of friends in our group
Time passed…

The time we felt emotionally attached
The sweet unconscious hug @ 4 in the morning
The little caring advices
That googlie-wooglie-woosh
The small lovely walk together
With hands-in-hands
When you said what I had a hunch of

That lonely walk of mine
The smile on my face
Without any reason
That lovely quietness
The feeling of joy…

Connect all these little and petty drops of happiness and enjoy!
Enjoy Life!

Saturday 22 September 2012

चलो एक बार फिर से अजनबी बन जाये हम दोनों...

"This is a poem dedicated to a person with whom I was very closely attached to... but then, times change...people change...situations change...Here it goes..."

अनगिनत बार ये कह चुकी हूँ मैं 
ना जाने क्या कमी रह गयी थी 
समझ से बाहर है मेरे अब  
कि आखिर उम्मीद अभी भी तुममे बाक़ी क्यों है ?

चाहे हो वजह कि अब नहीं रही मुहब्बत 
या हो वजह कि हो गयी है नफरत 
क्यों फरक पड़ता है इससे बताओ 
जब आखिरी मंज़िल राहों से मिट ही चुकी 

तो क्या हुआ मैं तुम्हारे साथ नहीं 
मेरी दुआये सदा तेरे संग है 
और वो हसीं लम्हें हमारे 
किसी की औकात नहीं चुराने की तुमसे

बस जियो, मुस्कुराओ और खुश रहो 
कि तुम्हारी ज़िन्दगी में ये ख़ुशी आई थी कभी 
और दिल में हमेशा उम्मीद रखो 
कि एक दिन किसी और रूप में, फिर से आएँगी भी 

 एक बार और कहती हूँ आज तुमसे 
भुला दो मुझे क्यूंकि कुछ ना है मुमकिन 
वजह जान के भी अनजान ना बनो 
और बस अपनाओ इस सच को और बढ़ते चलो  

Thursday 20 September 2012


"This poem was written when I was on trip to Chopta with my bhaiya and bhabhi amidst beautiful nature. Here it goes..."

Old songs,
New leaves on trees,
In the lap of beautiful nature,
In a company of awesome threes...
Watching the scenic beauty,
Of cold and icy river,
Paving its way out,
Of stones, big and round.
We are going its side by side,
Wondering whether,
We are following the river,
Or is it following us!
There are large and enormous
Mountains as well,
Some covered with ice and snow,
Other covered with beautiful big trees.
On one side, there is…
Mischievous River, but quiet at times,
Giving us immense pleasure,
By providing water for our thirstiness.
And on the other side, are huge mountains
Gives us breathtaking views
Which gets dangerous sometimes!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Unconditional Love for You Little One!

"This is a poem dedicated to a sweet little baby who is not yet born... but with whom I am in unconditional love - soon to come my bhatija/bhatiji. This was written when I had a dream about bhabhi and the baby. Here it goes..."

You and I have a connection,
A very deep one
Otherwise, how will you explain
What I just went through!

In spite of 1000s of kilometers of distance
I felt you moving
You touched my hand
And yes, we high-fived!

I know, now you can feel it,
My anxiety for you…
My anxiety to see you and hold you
To show my love to you!

I just pray to God
That I can come to you
And express my undying love for you
Even before you actually can see me!

I am just waiting…
For the time to pass by
Let December come!
And I promise you my sweetheart
I am gonna redefine
“Love in December”

Sunday 16 September 2012

Five Years!!

"This poem is dedicated to the most important person in my life who I lost forever in 2007...this is the fifth year...and here it goes!"

It still haunts me
The thought of your absence
The fact that you are not with me
The love that’s not being received anymore!

It still bring tears in my eyes
Whenever “that” word comes in question
Whenever I come across any thing
That relates to you, reminds me of you!

It still brings numbness in me
As soon as my mind diverges to you
As soon as people ask me what’s wrong
As soon as I feel the urge to talk to you!

I wish you were here
So that your absence wouldn’t haunt me
I wish you were here
So that my eyes wouldn’t fill up with tears
I wish you were here
So that I would not feel numb
I wish you were still here
Why are you not here?